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Archive for December, 2024

Stocking Stuffers for Big Boys

December 20th, 2024 at 11:58 pm

As the boys have gotten older, I don’t enjoy the big gift shopping since they usually want money. But I still enjoy filling their stockings. Three of them no longer live at home but they all get stockings (plus one serious GF).


For those who might be interested either because you have boys or may need to buy a gift for one, following is a compiled list of things in stockings this year.



Apple airtag

Gift card – Chipotle, Amazon, Chewy


Cologne (requested)

Smoked salmon packet (Seabear)

Throat spray


Cat toy

PDF cookbook of my recipes in Recipe Keeper Pro (cool feature that the app has!)

Custom (silly) golf balls & golf tees

Small book – business, Japanese Inns

Apple slicer

Hose nozzle

Snazzy bookmark

Pocky sticks

Kirby coin pouch

Looking Forward to 2025

December 16th, 2024 at 06:55 pm

This historically has been the time of year that I plan for upcoming financial goals in the new year. It’s a different perspective now that I’m retired and not contributing to accounts. Of course, I hope to see some growth but it’s almost completely out of my control. So, my planning is about managing money rather than growing it.


2025 is a milestone year for me financially because I will turn 59 ½. I’ve kept my 401k account open since I retired just in case I needed to tap it before I turned 59 ½. I don’t know the rules but saved a link to an informative site about withdrawing money from a 401k without penalty after age 55. I shouldn’t need to do that now though as I believe I have enough to last me until that milestone. I will want to move the entire balance of the account into a self-directed IRA. So that’s a focus this year – researching low-cost companies (Schwab, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.) as well as researching the mechanics of doing it. It’s a little scary. I hope I can get good, maybe even in-person, customer service.


2025 will also be the year that I have the kitchen remodel completed. I’ve done two corners of the kitchen in phases – the first in 2023 and the second in 2024. The rest, which will be expensive and take much more time, will be done in 2025. I’m excited about this but nervous about the huge cost. I’ll spend a good bit of time during the first part of the year designing the layout in detail. I want to think of every item that needs to be stored and every task I commonly do in the kitchen. I already have the basics decided. I’ll also need to find out about the building permit application process.


As some may recall, I have a deal with my boys to split any scholarships they get for college with them. DS3 is in a special situation because the military is covering his college costs while he works in the day and remotely takes his courses at night. He and I negotiated a $15k gift at graduation in lieu of matches since his isn’t really a ‘scholarship’. There is a possibility that he will graduate in 2025 if he maintains a heavy school load. I need to be prepared to pay.


I’ve taken advantage of the health exchange for insurance beginning in January 2024. I could have kept Cobra coverage for 12 more months but it didn’t make financial sense. I’ve just signed us up for the same coverage in 2025. This will be the first year I do income taxes that take the generous subsidies into consideration. Even though I followed all the rules, a part of me is nervous that there will be some gotcha and that I’ll owe money to the state. I’m looking forward to getting our taxes done so I don’t worry about it any longer. The plan is to stay on the health exchange (provided that it remains in place) until we qualify for Medicare.


My non-financial goal for 2025 is to do an unassisted pull-up on my 60th birthday. I have never in my life done one. It’s a serious goal though and I’ve begun preparing for it. If I don’t succeed, at least I’ll be stronger and healthier!