Home > Stocking Stuffers for Big Boys

Stocking Stuffers for Big Boys

December 20th, 2024 at 11:58 pm

As the boys have gotten older, I don’t enjoy the big gift shopping since they usually want money. But I still enjoy filling their stockings. Three of them no longer live at home but they all get stockings (plus one serious GF).


For those who might be interested either because you have boys or may need to buy a gift for one, following is a compiled list of things in stockings this year.



Apple airtag

Gift card – Chipotle, Amazon, Chewy


Cologne (requested)

Smoked salmon packet (Seabear)

Throat spray


Cat toy

PDF cookbook of my recipes in Recipe Keeper Pro (cool feature that the app has!)

Custom (silly) golf balls & golf tees

Small book – business, Japanese Inns

Apple slicer

Hose nozzle

Snazzy bookmark

Pocky sticks

Kirby coin pouch

2 Responses to “Stocking Stuffers for Big Boys”

  1. Tabs Says:

    Merry Christmas!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Great list. Hope you had a lovely Christmas!

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