Home > 2025 is Underway

2025 is Underway

February 1st, 2025 at 02:16 pm

I can’t believe we’re already a month into the year. January was eventful for us.

A good friend invited me some time ago to meet her and her husband at their time share in Los Cabos, Mexico for a week. On some years they have two units instead of one. January was the week. I took DS4 with me and it was fabulous. A luxurious place and though food cost just as much as home, since we weren’t paying for lodging, it was a great deal for us. We got massages, went whale watching, had probably too many meals in restaurants, and took picture after picture of the gorgeous sunsets.

While we sunned ourselves by one of the many pools, I talked to my friend about how timeshares work. It would not be for me for sure but the arrangement seems to work for her and her husband. They look forward to the trip all year and because they’ve been to the place so many times, they know all the best places – which boat for the whale watching, which seating area in which restaurant, etc.


I booked the trip through SFO with two roundtrip tickets so we could visit with DS2. That went well too and he is now engaged - he proposed to his GF after Christmas. He and his fiancée haven’t committed to any location or date for the wedding yet but they tell me that mid-2026 will likely be the earliest date. And on a side note: I learned that the word fiancé has 2 e’s at the end when it’s the woman and one e when it’s the man. Spelling/grammar is a strong suit for me and I did not know this!


My net worth had hit the next 100k milestone in November, then lost it in December. My calculation yesterday shows that it achieved it again by a smidge. I’ll take it.


4 Responses to “2025 is Underway”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time and the photos are gorgeous. Like you, Time Shares aren't for us either. We'd prefer to visit different places instead of returning to the same place over and over. But glad it works for your friend.

    Hopefully your retirement will continue to grow. I agree, December wasn't fun seeing things go down.

  2. Tabs Says:

    Wow that's a nice looking resort.

  3. PatientSaver Says:

    Beautiful sunset. And I didn't know about fiance/fiancee either, and I was a writer all my life!

  4. Petunia100 Says:

    Those are some beautiful sunsets! I know several people who have timeshares and enjoy having them, but to me they just don't appeal.

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