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Family & Values

January 5th, 2020 at 10:34 pm

I figure that it’s probably good to give an overview of our family situation and my values so you can understand why I spend on the things I do. And also hold me accountable when my spending patterns do not appear to support my stated priorities.

DH and I married young but didn’t have kids until later. For most of our marriage I have been the primary breadwinner, and since 2007 when he suffered brain damage from a bicycle accident, I have been the only breadwinner. It’s been interesting to read MM’s blog because her situation has some similarities. We have 5 boys ranging in age from 16 to almost-25.

I plan to retire the year I turn 60. Much of my financial strategizing is done with that in mind, but there are things that I will spend on even when it takes me further from that overall goal:
++ Family, especially preparing the boys for their adulthood
++ Health, mostly preventive things that are not medical services
++ Home environment, because it has such an impact on my mood and outlook

I’m probably forgetting something, but those are the biggees.

Kick-off Introduction

January 4th, 2020 at 09:51 pm

First-time blogger, but frequent commenter! I feel like I know many of you already.

After a few suggestions by CCF, I'm starting this blog to share and to capture my activities.

Hopefully I've set this up properly. After numerous attempts to change the blog settings, I gave up. The changes just don't 'take' when I update. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but perhaps I'll correct it later.

Happy new year to all!

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